Friday, May 2, 2008

MIT researcher and artist finds inner beauty in computer viruses

Dragulescu is a Romanian-born MIT researcher that also has another talent. He is also an artist and when he was asked to put an image to some common viruses by a computer security company, he came up with beautiful works of art. As he began doing research he found unusual reoccurring patterns which he was able to turn into art. Dragulescu has peeled back the code behind the world's worst tech bugs and rendered stunning images from it.

He used the data to coax pointy green tentacles from the dreaded e-mail worm "Mydoom" and grew pretty peach petals from the epicenter of the spam file "Degreediploma5."

"These types of threats are very smart. Very intelligent in design. Digital organisms, really, that adapt themselves and replicate. We wanted to capture some of that complexity and uniqueness."

He built an algorithm based computer system where he entered his repeat findings in code. These codes were then converted into different types of tentacles and many beautiful colors.

I found this atricle very interesting how he was able to put beauty to such herendous computer viruses. It's also interesting to see the similarities between computer virus "stucture" and human virus stucture, they are very similar. Amazing how such a beautiful and tiny system can infect and destroy so much life!

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